Snap-On year marks and more

Recently I had a friend in Kenosha, Wisconsin, send me two
Snap-On charts for year marks. These cover the years the
first one did, but extend to 2029. I am assured that the
future year marks are real. The friend claims that Snap-On
has them figured out that far in advance.

So, if you like old tools, or plan to buy some in the future,
just click on the thumbnail to enlarge. They are left full
sized in case anyone wants to make copies. These two
chart will give you over 100 years of year marks.

At some point we’re going to do a history of Snap-On post
as it seems the interest is there. The rough draft is just
about done so hang in there.

We’re also going to list two events in this post. One is
going on as scheduled and the other has been canceled. The
one still going on will be first.

On Saturday, October 2nd, 2010, there is an estate auction
in Bozeman, Montana. I usually don’t list too many smaller
auctions, but this one has a catalog that just jumped out at

Of course there are cars; everything from a 1924 Ford “Doctor’s”
coupe to a 1982 Cadillac. Toss in a Motorhome, a few Studebakers,
and a Nash Metropolitan and it gets interesting.

Along with the cars are a lot of parts, other motorized equipment,
magazines, toys, scale models, shop tools, petrolania, rideable
minuterature trains, and a juke box.
For a complete listing go here.

And now for a local event that has been called off.

The Polar Bear Regatta, scheduled for October 2nd, 2010, has been
canceled due to high water. The Lake Davenport Sailing Club has
determined it wouldn’t be safe to hold the event.
If you want more information, go to
the LDSC website.
Comments are always welcome.

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