Goodbye Farrah

Farrah Fawcett died this morning in her hospital room. I’m sure there are a lot of middle age men who were once young lads with her poster on their wall.
She lost her battle with cancer at age 62.

13 Responses to Goodbye Farrah

  1. anonymous says:

    I heard that Michael Jackson passed today after a heart attack at age 50.

  2. thescoundrel says:

    I have one of those Farrah Fawcett posters sitting in her sheer one piece bathing suit and all that wild hair. The poster was kind of proactive for its time.

    It has been a tough week for the entertainment industry. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and now Michale Jackson.

  3. cruisin2 says:

    I heard that after I did the short post and didn’t feel like doing another today. He died too young.

    It has been a bad week for entertainers. Even Perez Hilton got socked on the nose.

  4. anonymous says:

    There will never be better late night show hosts than Johnny Carson and Ed. They made the perfect team.

  5. qcexaminer says:

    Looks like Walter Cronkite will be the next one to go—I was thinking he would be the infamous third one down, but I’d forgotten about McMahon.

  6. cruisin2 says:

    I can’t argue with that thinking.

    The wife claims McMahon doesn’t count because his death wasn’t expected. I can’t explain her reasoning, but she swears by it.

  7. mrc says:

    I have always heard that there are 3 deaths and than 1 unexpected. In this case, we had 2 unexpected. So I think we will have 1 more, which may be Walter Cronkite.

    May they all Rest In Peace. They will be forever remembered

  8. Ilcantar says:

    David Caradine wasn’t that long ago His wasn’t expected

  9. thescoundrel says:

    Yea – considering the circumstances Carradine’s smelled like murder though there are claims it was accidental suicide resulting from some of his more aberrant sexual tastes.

  10. Ilcantar says:

    Going on the unexpected theme Id say there was 1 more coming Both Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett were not doing too well already and had major cancer related health problems

    Carradine death just came out of nowhere and while I wasn’t surprised to hear Jackson was taken to the hospital I was when it was announced he had died

  11. cruisin2 says:

    It has been an interesting month. As to the Guardian Angels story online, QC Online ran it and had 6 comments. I did find it odd that there were no comments on the QC Times story. Perhaps it has something to do with commenters having to register now?

  12. Ilcantar says:

    Billy Mays was found dead by his wife yesterday the 28th

    He was on a plane that had a hard landing the previous day and was hit on the head He said he had a hard head but when he got home he wasn’t feeling well and went to bed where his wife found him the next day already dead

    I hate it when I’m right sometimes

  13. cruisin2 says:

    That one was a shock to me anyway. When I told the wife she claimed he is number 4 so I have to find
    out if the process of 3 in a row starts all over