Random thoughts

We don’t know about anyone else, but
we’re getting really tired of this
presidential campaign.

Acting like a couple of pre-pubescent
school kids, both candidates appear to
be playing “I know I am but what are
you” or “double-dog dare”.

There ought to be law against the bull
they’re trying to ship, or at least one
against their childish behavior.

And how come some women’s rights groups
are so worked up about Romney? Just another
case of someone wanting something for

Is anybody taking odds on when Harry Reid
will implode?

And what about our vice-president. How
can he eat when he has his foot in his
mouth so often?

Will Congress continue the Bush Tax Cut?
Since they’re on a nice vacation while the
clock is ticking, we’re just wondering. It
could cost us an extra $1,882 in Iowa and
$2,686 in Illinois if they do nothing.

What are the Global Warming nuts saying now
that our carbon dioxide level is at a low?
Kind of disproves their man-made global
warming claim.

If you like Flo in the Progressive
Insurance commercials, you may want to
remember their chairman is, indeed,
progressive in his politics.

He spent over half a million dollars this
year trying to get medical marijuana
legalized. Then between 2001-2003 he gave
$15 million to the ACLU!

If you are a ZZ Top fan, you
should find something you like on
the link provided.

And lastly, a quote from Albert
Einstein: An empty stomach is not a
good political adviser.
Comments are always welcome.

5 Responses to Random thoughts

  1. QC Ghost says:

    Like your line, “Acting like a couple of pre-pubescent
    school kids…” Cruiser, there’s no acting going on here.

  2. cruisin2 says:

    You’re right. In hindsight, I should have said behaving like.

  3. thescoundrel says:

    I am guessing the photo is correct. A picture of Pelosi in the bedroom would probably be 100% effective as birth control.

  4. top 5 movies that no one has seen…

    […]Random thoughts « Just Cruisin 2[…]…

  5. Anon. says:

    Actually, I think the man-made gas theory was very correct. I think we are seeing the results of improved technology in cars, unleaded gas and cleaner diesel and a steep decline in miles driven due to high gas prices and smarter driving habits. These combined together have reduced carbon emissions, which indicates that we had been going in the wrong direction. If you ask anyone who lived in California in the 70’s and 80’s they will tell you that although the air is far from perfect, it has improved tremendously, even with a significantly larger population.