Lucky daze

Most days, if it weren’t for bad luck I’d see no luck at all. This past weekend that was not the case. Usually I’ll get the camera out and not see anything to take a picture of or the lighting is so far off I can’t get the shot I want. So here are a handful that we like from the past couple of days.

This little one sat calmly as I got close enough for a decent shot. These feral kittens are older now and have started to explore the neighborhood. So far things have went well for them.

This one had a look on her face that led me to believe her friends had left without her. Not sure what happened but we thought she looked like she missed the bus. Later she looked happier so whatever the problem was, it got fixed.

We think this one is the cutest of the litter and is an adventurer. She won’t run away as fast as the others and looks right at you as you approach. She will run off, just not as quick as the others.

This is another kitten with a mournful face. The kittens are a lot of fun to watch, and photograph. Don’t remember what she was walking away from at the time this picture was taken.

Here are 4 of the 5 kittens from the last litter. Even though it was cool out yesterday they stayed out for most of the morning before going off the hide and nap. Did see them again later in the day, but didn’t get any pictures.

Saw this little bird sitting on a phone line and got a shot. Usually by the time I focus these birds fly off. This one hung around just long enough for a shot. We believe this is a black capped chickadee.

Finally, the cardinal was enjoying a Sunday brunch and we got this picture. He had his fill before flying off to a tree or the neighbors bird feeder. We didn’t get a chance to see which.

Enjoy our Monday as it’s the start of a new week and the rest of our lives.

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