Random thoughts

I got a phone call last night from an old friend.
Rumors had been making the rounds that he was in the
hospital and not doing well so I was glad to hear
from him.

He’ll get out soon and we talked, as we always do,
about cars. We talked of his coupe, my Impala, and
the hell we raised when we were young enough to do
it. And it reminded us of this again-


Later I turned on TV for a minute and caught the
outraged father of the drive by shooter calling for
tighter gun control. While we are truly sorry for
his loss we can’t get on the bandwagon.

Why is it that with every other form of senseless
violence our society goes after the criminal and not
his means of execution?

If a drunk driver kills people there is an outrage
over irresponsible people driving drunk. If someone
uses a ball bat to bludgeon someone else most say he
did it because he lost his mind. There is no unified
voice calling for baseball bats to be banned.

And more people are killed with knives, ball bats,
or fists each year than with an assault rifle this
administration is set on demonizing. Using the
‘killing kids’ argument doesn’t work either because
the same people who support banning our guns have no
qualms about the millions of abortions done since
that law was changed.

Like others of our faith we have been taught that
life begins at conception and ending that life, even
before birth, is murder.

We believe we may an answer that could appease both
sides of this issue without offending either. If you
don’t like guns and don’t want to see them, don’t
break into my house and I won’t stick a 45 in your


Comments are always welcome.

10 Responses to Random thoughts

  1. anonymous says:

    Again we disagree. It must be great to live in a black and white world, to generalize and put everyone in to neat little categories. My Lord, Jesus Christ, taught me in my faith, to love my enemy and turn the other cheek. That to kill even in self defense is murder. It is my hope that we put in place a system where abortion is never needed, so no, I do not readily accept it and do have quite a few qualms about it. You continue to be satisfied with the status quo and the slaughter of innocent young people. You having a gun in your house is not an answer to the on-going, seemingly once-a-month, violent rampages caused by someone who legally acquired guns and ammunition. You offer no solutions, except “guns for everyone”! This type of philosophy is as big a contributor to the culture of death in America as is the idea of abortion-on-demand.

  2. Nitrous55 says:

    Neither does banning guns. Banning guns only take it out of the hands of law abiding people. The crimimals will still get a hold of them (see pot unless I missed that it has never been banned). Guns are a tool. A dangerous one, but a tool none the less.

    People have offered solutions, but people who want to ban guns seem to turn a blind eye to them unless it goes with what they think should be done.

    And I doubt that Crusier is satisfied with the slaughter of the innocent just as much as you and I are with the deaths caused by the automobile.

  3. anonymous says:

    I didn’t say and have never said ban guns. It is a smoke screen to bring deaths caused by automobiles, another regular tactic. Fill in the blank – baseball bats, knives, etc. That is not the discussion. The fact is that what we are doing now is not working. What solution has been offered? More guns. How is that working? Concealed permits in Texas and 40+ other states, yet there are still murders and armed robberies in every state. Death penalty, ditto. Something different needs to be done and if you aren’t willing to offer solutions and discuss alternatives then you are happy with the status quo and you have no problem with the every other week massacre. You had no problem with Newtown, no problem with Virginia Tech, no problem with Northern Illinois, no problem with Aurora, CO, and the list goes on because you don’t want to offer any solution at all. Remember, the guy in Santa Barbara obtained his guns and over 400 (yes, 400) rounds of ammunition legally. Should a guy that crazy, known crazy, not be on a list somewhere that says, don’t sell this guy a gun? The kid in Newtown, a known crazy, should his mother have been allowed to acquire guns with him living in the house? Really, for her protection, you say? Didn’t he kill his own mother with her own guns? What we are doing now is not working and there is new evidence of dead bodies every week. EVERY WEEK! Let’s have an honest conversation that doesn’t include talk of gun bans and talk of more guns. Let’s find something different on both sides.

  4. cruisin2 says:

    we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. I just hope the government doesn’t declare a war on guns.

    I have also offered solutions in other posts and though it is hard to
    believe, gun deaths are actually down. Could it be that the carry laws are working?

  5. QC Ghost says:

    Always protect your guns from rust, politicians and whoever the hell anonymous is!

  6. cruisin2 says:

    lol, I’ll remember that.

  7. anonymous says:

    A quick note. The shooter in Seattle last week was stopped by a man without a gun. The two shooters in Las Vegas yesterday were confronted by a man with a gun, but the lady shot him before he could help because he didn’t know she was with the guy. I guess things don’t always work out as neatly as expected.

  8. QC Ghost says:

    . . . and liberal, anti-American cowards. I forgot cowards.

  9. anonymous says:

    Seems to me the guy without the gun was pretty brave and real American-like.

  10. cruisin2 says:

    about all we agree on is that things don’t always work out as expected. And the guy without the gun was both stupid and lucky.

    amen to that.